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What are your thoughts?

User Profile: CarefreeApricot
CarefreeApricot August 10th, 2024

It is often difficult to share your innermost thoughts and emotions related to God. If you were to remove the fear of condemnation, what question(s) would you ask God or other people? Is there anything you have been too afraid to say out loud from the fear of being judged? Let this be your opportunity to seek greater understanding in God with any question you have, whether extremely light to immensely heavy and seemingly controversial.

Side note, as I hope people bravely share, I would like to gently remind readers of this verse:

James 1:19-20 "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."

Let this forum be filled with grace and peace for those willing to courageously share and discuss.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 August 10th, 2024


I think many people,  including myself , have our own personal relationship with God or a higher being however we keep it quiet until we feel whomever we are speaking to is not judgmental.

We unfortunately live in a time where some are quick to stereotype and  judge or label people whom share their faith or story. 

I have had answers to my prayers and god intervening in my life ... it  can sometimes be more of shutting a door so you take the path you need....your route may not always the easy/ or the one we think we want. ... a gentle nudge.  I still feel it was for a reason. 

i would like to ask some people ....... why they only find faith or expect answers are only in the worst parts of life and then expect a miracle? ....

User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 September 12th, 2024

As I have no fear of condemnation & don't know if there is a god, the OP doesn't apply to me. But in the interest of candor, I'll answer anyway. If I were to ask such a deity anything, it would be something like

"Why did you do such a p!ss-poor job of creating a world & a dominant species for it, considering how far it falls short of moral standards you supposedly generated or inspired?"