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Finding peace in learning other religions

Malfoy07 May 28th

Hi brothers and sisters, may peace be with you.

Is there anyone who finds solace in a different religions than the one they were born in? 

If so, what made them fascinated towards them?

I myself love learning new cultures are religions, specially monotheism as it helps me make my bond with god stronger.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

soulsings May 30th

@Malfoy07 good question. I have also been a searcher for "the answer" but it seems like I keep diiscovering the question. I think all that I explored met the need I felt at that moment, so I would not try to tell anyone to do what I am practicing now, involving meditation and mindfulness, because what you are practicing now may be just what you need.

The challenge I faced is I wanted to be in a religion that offered the freedom to explore ideas and validate them in my experience. That prompted mt to move away from the church and begin a quest that has lasted much of my life. 

If you want to talk about this in more detaill then feel free to PM me.

Malfoy07 OP May 30th

@soulsings i understand, we all have our own journey to follow and we all have different destiny, it's better to follow what you feel is right for you.

Every religion offers a way to find freedom within yourself, we all are bounded by some kind of boundaries in this world, religion can be liberating if followed in right way or can be a bondage. It's like a knife, it can cut veggies or cn harm lives depending on how we use it.

I wish you find your path and find your spiritual home.

Sure i would love to!!

soulsings May 30th

@Malfoy07 thank you for your reply. To me religion can encourage us to live ethically which means we begin to transform our minds. To me that gives life meaning.


@Malfoy07 Peace be upon you too brother, this is a beautiful initiative learning other religions and cultures. I hope you find what is right for you, if you are up for a discussion, i would love to talk about it.

soulsings June 1st

@EkMukhtsarMulaqat I am interested in the ethical foundations that people have found in their religion if you care to share.


@soulsings hi souls, thank you for replying, please share your views, i will be happy to know them, thanks.


soulsings June 2nd

@EkMukhtsarMulaqat first I think that I try avoid harming others as best as I am able. 

WHat is one of your ideas you live by?


@soulsings that is so kind of you, world would be a better place if there are more people like you.

Kindness goes for me as well. I think world is not just black and white, nothing is completely good or evil, if only we try to understand other's perspective and make a sustainable living together, God will be happy on us.

soulsings June 2nd

@EkMukhtsarMulaqat I think that when I find ways to be of benefit to others, that I am happier than if I am only focused on my  own self interest.

slowdecline48 June 16th

Many years ago, I was quite interested in Buddhism. It seemed like the more common varieties of it encouraged good lifestyles in addition to compassion. Even now, every so often I look into the philosophy of Nichiren...he was an interesting guy. But due to my main chronic condition, meditation is impossible for me. As meditation is a basic practice in Buddhism, I'm effectively disqualified. Also, I don't believe in karma because 1) I've never seen any evidence of reincarnation & 2) I find the idea morally dubious, though not as objectionable as certain secular notions.

I have other reasons as well, these days. But I am aware that millions of Buddhists find the doctrine wonderfully helpful & a fine guidepost for their lives. If whoever reads this is one of those people, then I'm happy for you...I hope you find whatever enlightenment you're seeking.

soulsings June 17th

@slowdecline48 thahk you for your well wishes.

The Dalai Lama when asked what his religion is, he says kindness. He meets with all types of religious leaders and scientists. He is not dogmatic and encourages people to practice the religion they feel comfortable in.

One simple practice is to follow the breath. Just be aware of the in breath and the out breath. It is a simple concentration exercise. 

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.