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tallNickel7562 September 8th, 2018

I took you to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Before witnesses I vowed to love you and care for you
as long as we both shall live.
I took you, with all your faults and strengths,
as I offered myself to you
with all my faults and strengths.
I wanted to help you when you needed help, and
turned to you when I needed help.
I chose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

I regret that I let you down. I did not mean to.
I take you with all your faults and strengths
As you have taken me with all my faults and strengths.
My tears today show my unconditional love to you,
Forever and a day.
From now until eternity
I will be by your side.
I will always love you.

ASilentObserver September 17th, 2018

@tallNickel7562 Aww nickel, that is so beautiful. heart thank you for writing this

tallNickel7562 OP September 26th, 2018

@ASilentObserver Glad you like it. I think it is one of my better ones. I wish it would have mattered. My wife no longer wants to be with me and it is crushing me.I wonder if there is anyone else who'd want to be with me.