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Struggling with friends, roommate, boyfriend

ShyFish16 February 27th, 2020


I am in my second year of college. For a little background I have two friends I met my first year, C who is male and K who is female. I definitely befriended them and brought them out of their shells. We had a close friendship but spent a lot of our time together, hours upon hours every day. I started dating someone who introduced us into his friend group but he ended up being too controlling and took up most of my days. If he wasn't wanted or invited he would simply push his way in. Over this past summer I finally saw the behavior for what it was and broke it off. I came back to school this year, K and I are roommates now and C lives above us. I met a guy I fell head over heels in love with and I'm with him all the time. I set aside time to have dinner every weekday night with either C or K depending on their availability. I also try to be back to the dorm by like 10-10:30 on week nights so my roommate isn't lonely. Sometimes I'm late but I try to stick to it. I don't want to be that girl that forgets about her friends just because she's dating someone, and I'm always conscious of that fact, but they constantly make me feel guilty about how much time I spend with my boyfriend. I love him and I just want to be around him. I know if he gets upset he'll just tell me and we work it out, but I feel like K and C are always mad. And I feel crazy because when I mention things they say they aren't mad, so I assume I'm just overthinking things and making the situation worse. Any outside opinions would help, thanks!

ArtemisAlvarez February 27th, 2020


Hey there!

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with your friendships like that, I understand it can be quite difficult to juggle relationships, balance time.

You may have already thought of this, but it might be beneficial for all of you to get together and talk it through, you and K and C. If they have been in relationships before they might begin to understand how you're feeling if you could have them listen.

And please don't worry, I'm sure your friends aren't mad at you. It can seem like that at times for sure, but it's likely just your worry getting to you. I know you'll be able to work this out :)

Wishing you the best of luck, and also feel free to message me if you'd like to chat about what's going on. I'm here for you ♥️