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Its complicated..

User Profile: MsIncognito
MsIncognito June 16th, 2022

I dont want advice

I had been with this person for a while now and i really dont know what to do. I love them but I'm not even sure they love me, at least anymore. They've been going through a lot of emotions.

They wont listen to me or they treat me like i dont exist. It's getting harder to handle this everyday and I'm starting to feel insecure.

I always tell myself these things:

Maybe they found somebody better.

Maybe they are keeping me around just so they could leave.

Maybe I've hurt them.

Maybe I'm a problem for them.

Maybe im doing wrong.

Maybe they are planning on leaving soon.

Maybe they no longer care about me like how I care for them.

They won't communicate with me. I've tried so many ways to spark up a new conversation or to bring some hope in. So now the only thing i can do is keep a smile on my face and protect my heart. I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to do more. I understand it is not my responsibility but I just wish I could do more. Maybe one day it'll all fix itself...

User Profile: FrenchMarbles
FrenchMarbles June 16th, 2022


MsIncognito, welcome to 7Cups, thank you so much for spending some time with u at the forums, it’s always great to meet a new face! My name is FrenchMarbles, I’m one of the listeners here at 7Cups! I’m aware you don’t want support, that’s okay, I’m only just commenting so it removes this post from the ‘Needs Reply’ tab. Have a wonderful day <3

F r e n c h M a r b l e s

Quality Mentor Listener Coach Forum Supporter Project Agent

User Profile: iamamess777
iamamess777 June 16th, 2022

Yep, keep it up!!! We belong to the same section

User Profile: toughFig1986
toughFig1986 June 16th, 2022

Same here