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Is giving up the answer?

CrippledWings October 20th, 2014

I'm tired of always looking for love. I'm tired of waiting for that special someone to enter my life. I'm sick of having to always be the one to pursue and never be pursued. I'm tired of hearing that love will happen when I'm not looking or that I should keep looking. I want to be loved. Truly loved by someone who will hold me when I'm sad and laugh with me when I'm happy. Who will help me up when I fall down and be proud of me when I succeed. Someone that will walk beside me and hold my hand. I don't ask for much, I don't think. But I'm so very tired of always hoping and only finding despair. :'(

Brittany96 October 20th, 2014

I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. I understand how difficult it can be to feel like you don't have a special someone in your life who cares about you the way you want them to. I'm assuming you're talking about not being able to find someone to be in a romantic relationship with.I can relate to that a lot. But I would like to take the time to mention that relationships aren't perfect. Being in a relationship does not always equate to happiness. There are a lot of relationships that end horribly and some people end up being more unhappy in a relationship than they were without one.

I'm not here to give advice, but I would like to recommend that you take the time to love yourself first. Because it can become unhealthy if you're constantly looking for someone else to love you rather than taking the time to love yourself, because no one can love you as much as you can. It seems like you're seeking out love and acceptance from someone else, and that's perfectly fine. Everyone wants to be loved. But you can also take the time to love yourself. For example, you mentioned that you want someone to be proud of you when you succeed. But you can take the time to be proud of yourself when you succeed.

I know you said that you are tired of people telling you to just wait for that special someone or keep looking, but those are truly the only two options for any single person who is interested in a relationship. There are no other options besides waiting or looking. That's what every single person has to do. I understand it can be difficult to wait when you really want to find that special someone, but there's literally nothing else you can do. Obviously you can speed up the process by taking the time to join dating websites, going to nightclubs to meet potential mates if you're old enough to go to nightclubs, you can join volunteer activitieswhere you could be around people... there are a lot of options.

Not everyone who wants a relationship ends up in one. But there are 7 billion people in this world, and there's more of a possiblity of ending up in a relationship rather than not ending up in one. I don't know exactly what you mean when you say that you want to give up, because there are several things that could mean. But by giving up, you'd also be taking away your chances of finding love.

But I'd definitely suggest to take the time to remember that relationships aren't all sunshine and roses. Just because you find a special someone does not mean that they're going to treat you the way that you deserve to be treated, which is why I suggested taking the time to love yourself. Also I noticed that you mentioned that you're ALWAYS looking for love. I'm not sure if that's an exaggeration or if you're being serious, but if you are being serious, then I would suggest not to do that. You can if you want to, it's truly up to you to decide what would make you the happiest, and if constantly seeking love makes you happy, then that's great.

But there are so many enjoyable things in life that one can do -- participating in hobbies like painting and sports, taking the time to travel around the world, doing volunteer work, etc. There are just so many wonderful things in this world, and if you're spending all your time searching for love, then you won't have time to enjoy anything else. And it's also good to take the time to remember that even if you find a significant other, it isunlikely that they are always going to be there for you. Although relationships consist of love and romance, they also sometimes consist of disagreements and conflicts, and a lot of relationships don't work out. Sadly, it isunlikely that a signifigicant other will always be proud of you or will always pick you up when you fall, but you can choose to do those things for yourself. They're not going to be around constantly to give you what you desire, which is why it's good to get into some hobbies and stuff like that so once you get into a relationship you won't just be sitting around waiting for your significant other.

I know what I'm saying probably isn't helpful to you. I'm single and I completely understand how much it hurts to not have someone to cuddle up to or have someone who loves you, but it doesn't mean that you're incomplete or that you're not good enough unless you have someone to love you and give you approval.

I hope you feel better soon and I hope you someday find someone that cares about you very much. But patience is definitely necessary in this type of situation.

IsabelleKo March 15th, 2020

@Brittany96 reading this really helped me. I also feel like giving up (as the writer of the original post says). And it's really painful. Thanks for helping us lonely ones :)

gregariousAcai1247 June 25th, 2020

@Brittany96 Superb answer! Thank you so much for writing this!

independentSpring9128 May 8th, 2020

If you're tired of looking for love then stop looking for it and do something else wink

JohnDoe00 June 25th, 2020

Bottom line is, how do you love oneself? I have somehow the same situation. But for everything my concept of self is nor relevant. Never was. How can it be achieved? I feel like time for me is running out and I have no freaking idea of how. And I'm 39 and never had a girlfriend