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I don't understand why I feel so heartbroken

adventurousWillow3819 February 10th, 2020

I met a guy online 2 years ago. I was very attracted to him and it was obvious that the feeling was mutual. We had a great first date, he was confident, funny and seemed a bit mysterious or unique?

Prior to this I'd been in a few long relationships so had alot to learn about men and dating. The 2nd date wasnt great (he really made me pay for expressing my concern that he didnt contact me prior to the date, leaving it to me). He was rude, arrogant and seemed to feel justified in treating me this way even when I sincerely apologised. Anyway, months went by, with a few dates, texting, me getting annoyed that he constantly played mind games with me and him popping back up every month or so just as I felt I was letting go of him. Yes, I was hooked!!!!!!!

Basically the tables turned somewhere down the line, I'd initiate contact, set up dates etc. I was on holiday when he text me telling me that he was thinking of me and was ready for a relationship. We met and spent a great weekend together, opening up about things, being friends, he asked me to be his +1 to a wedding and I even got to meet his sister and cousin. However, once I was out of site, it seemed I was out of mind. We agreed to be friends which seemed to be working (I valued his friendship and thought if it's meant to be then it will). However, since I have been adamant in pursuing a friendship rather than romance he is constantly angry with me and has said some cruel things to me. I cant get over him.

adventurousWillow3819 OP February 10th, 2020


Sorry but a bit of a continuation. We went out for the evening on December 2019 to Xmas markets. We were having a fab day, chatting, laughing. He was trying to act a bit 'couply' with me and even nearly referred to me as his 'partner' to a bartender. I admit, I liked it. I love this man (I think) but knew that for now i had to build a friendship with him as hes been hurt before and has had a poor upbringing. He kept touching my legs and I asked him to stop. He got very offended, said that he thought "we were connecting". He had tears in his eyes and said that he'd opened up about things to me that he couldn't with anyone else. I thanked him, said I was here for him but stood my ground on not wanting to be touched when I knew he couldn't commit to me. After that evening out, I tried to explain over message why I felt how I felt, told him that I care for him and that I'm always here for him. He used my biggest vulnerability against me and gave me the silent treatment right up until Xmas day when he text to say "merry xmas" at which point I was so angry with him and my response was somewhat negative. I tried to reach out in the new year and he sent me back the cruelest message. I'm heartbroken. I've lost someone who I saw a potential future with and also someone I thought was my friend above everything else..... I'm not sure which hurts more. Strangely, this guy has not much to offer me and my friends and family cant believe on so hung up on him.

Onewish1heart February 10th, 2020

@adventurousWillow3819 I'm not quite sure what to tell you. You have a story that I'm sure other have gone through but you might not feel like other could full understand how you feel. I mean you went out with these guy had a few dates some good some bad and he was both crule and nice with you. I find it a bit odd that it was only when things didn't go his way he was mean towards you or felt offended instead of respectfull of you as a person not wanting to be touched or how you felt either. When we like someone we tend to view them as "perfect' sometimes not realizing that the person we think is perfect has some flaws that can hurt us. When you see a rose you think of it's beauty first and probably like many people we find out the truth the hard way once we have our hands on the flower and get a thorn in our finger or palm of our hand. What I'm trying to say is that we can love someone yet blind ourselves from the potential signs of danger and pain. We all do these and we decided to take the risk none of which is you're fault in anyway. Truth is I'm just some 15 year old kid going through a heart break that was almost 3 months ago now maybe you've been dealing with it longer but in reality the best thing we can do is express ourself to those who will listen to you and truely are there for you. I don't have the whole emotion thing figured out at all, but I saw you posted here and the pain sounded familiar to how i feel at times now. If i could I would take that pain you feel away right now. I just want you to know that sometimes you might feel alone but never are. Also if it helps I'm here to listen to you so we can talk whenever you like to me or anyone on these webist or app i don't know what but I'm cheering for you through the ups and downs of life and anything you face.

adventurousWillow3819 OP February 10th, 2020


Thank you for your kind words