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He "eviscerated" me

stormchaserlady November 14th, 2022

We were high school sweethearts. We had a daughter after graduation. 2 years later we married. I loved him beyond words. Whole heartedly. The first few years were great. Then he started to become a little controlling. I just accepted it. He is who he is and I love him. At 27 years old I was diagnosed with stage 3 non- hotchkin lymphoma. During the coarse of treatment, he had little to do with me. My mom was my caretaker when I wasn't in the hospital. I still loved him. So deeply. When I started healing and getting back to somewhat normal, he came up with something called "the list". It was a list of places I was not allowed to go, certain things I couldn't buy, certain name brands I couldn't buy etc. He started staying out all night. This went on for a while. Once I was well enough, I got a job. Hoping this might make him happy. Wrong. Nothing changed. Later on... this happened. It was my birthday. He was working 3rd shift and I was working first. That morning he came home before I left. He gave me a big hug and kiss. Wished me a happy birthday and told me he loved me. I told him that I was likely coming home early due to the light work list we had for that day. I got to leave work at about 8:30. I texted him before I left work and said I was headed home and couldn't wait to spend some alone time with him. When I got home, he wasn't there. I texted him again. Nothing. And again. Nothing. On about the 4th or 5th try, I got an answer. A big long text about how he wasn't happy and he didn't want to be married to me anymore. He more or less asked for a divorce, via text message, on my birthday. The moment I read it I knew he didn't write it. At first I thought it was one his guy friends that wrote it but after I read it a few more times I realized the things that were said were not something a man says to a woman he's leaving, but we're were things a woman says to a man. It was written by a woman. It said things like "I've been doing a lot of soul searching" and "I love you but I'm not in love with you" and my favorite line,, "ultimately I have to do what's best for me". We were together 17 years. Married for 13. We had a beautiful daughter that was 14 at the time he left. She was daddy's little girl her whole life up until then. He left us for a younger woman with 2 small children. Girls. Our daughter has been fighting demons since that day. Only recently has she got back on the right track. It's been 12 years since this happened but I still struggle with it sometimes. I'm beginning to think the wound will never fully heal. I feel like I'll never find love again. I'm damaged goods. No man wants to deal with that.

magneticShoulder3193 November 18th, 2022


Hello, I am so sorry about what you went through. That must have been very traumatizing and know that you are not alone. What happened to your was not right and you deserve better. This is not a reflection of you as a person but of him. So you are absolutely worthy of finding love again. I understand even after all these years it will be difficult to fully trust again. What happened to you is not your fault and you are worthy and capable of finding someone better.