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Ex keeps coming over the years...

versatileMoon1124 April 27th, 2021

I have an ex girlfriend. Years ago we got envilved in a very toxic relationship, so I decided to go no contact... 7 years have passed, and she tries to make herself present in my life sometimes and then disappear again... Lately, she came around again... I can see she is the same selfish person I left years ago. I have moved on and now I got married with a caring and lo in person, and I realize that I need my ex narcissist to get outta my life forever! I blocked her in every social media and also e mail... But she stalks to me... I'm kinda confused, all I know is that this person did a lot of harm. And confusing to me so... I think it must end.

[Edited by @QuietMagic 11/20/21 to remove stigmatizing content]

Jili April 27th, 2021


Sending you lots of hugs if you want them! Definitely really challenging to go through something like this

versatileMoon1124 OP April 27th, 2021

Thanks a lot for all that caring! Hope it multiplies to you!