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Am I the problem?

jenead June 14th, 2020

My husband and I decided a few months back that we'd be separating. We've never fought just kind of drifted apart. We're still best friends. We have two girls under being born in March. The second baby made it so I could no longer stay at my job. Since our relationship has been so good, we decided to stay living together until I get that all figured out. I've been looking but no luck at this point. It's hard because even though the change is for the better I have a lot of uncertainty going forward. I also told him I miss little things but am trying to move forward. In order to help make ends meet we decided to look for a roommate to stay in our basement. We've both met her a couple times. She came from a different state and has no car but she cooks and was able to pay. Seemed like an ok fit. From the minute she got here I had a funny feeling. She was really nice but everything she did seem to bother me and I couldn't figure out what. We were all getting along but I just couldn't shake this feeling. Fast forward to a week ago. It was storming outside and something blew and hit the house hard enough to wake me at 3am. The two of them had been playing video games before so I went in to check if they'd heard it too. I walked in on them. I don't care that he's moving on I just am so hurt it's while we're living together. Both have made it seem like I didn't respect privacy and overreacted. I'm so hurt but if I am doing what they said I want to know.

Da1ndonlyy June 14th, 2020


You're not the problem

catsluvr June 14th, 2020

@jenead you're not the problem. I'm sorry as of now I don't have a clear enough head to give you good advice and I've never been in your position. But I wish you the best and I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck! ❤️

LindseyLobotomy June 14th, 2020


I know others may have said this already, but I just wanna reinforce it - You, my dear are not the problem.

Break ups are rough as is, trying to get back into dating can be so daunting as is. Still longing to do some of the little things you once enjoyed with your guy at a time when your supposed to be moving on. . . its hard love, but to catch in the act of "moving on" at home. . . that's so direspectful and inconsiderate. He's free to date who he wants but to do it at your place. . . that crossed a line love.

jenead OP June 14th, 2020


Thank you. I keep trying to tell myself that and trying to be the bigger person but it's hard. Of course I want him to be happy and I really do care about him. No matter what he's always been my best friend. And we do have kids together so it has to work. Right now I'm trying to move forward without acting like a jerk even though I want to

LindseyLobotomy June 14th, 2020


You're welcome. I can understand wanting to take the high road. It may not be esay at all times, you're human and its ok to feel sad or het mad. Your choosing to live up to your ideals in spite of all that may seek to bring you down, thats says alot about your character. I hear you, I hope things get to a place where you both have set boundaries an some understanding so that you may both be happy moving forward. You got this girl, I have faith in you.