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Sex post divorce

Hurtandconfused86 November 11th, 2020

My wife and I separated earlier in the year. Recently, I had sex for the first time in 20 years with someone who wasn't her. The sex was ok. It was a little different than what I had been used to. But afterward, I had this overwhelming feeling of regret and sorrow. Not just for myself or my ex, but also the woman I slept with. She has been persistently contacting me since. Wanting to get back together again. And I just don't want to do it, but I also don't want to make her feel like I had used her. She's a wonderful woman, but I feel like I can't do it again with her as I feel terrible about the situation. And now I'm afraid I'll have the same feelings of regret with different partners in the future. I'm enjoying dating again. Meeting new people and having a great time. I enjoy intimate moments, kissing, cuddling, etc, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have regrets if I sleep with someone else again. I would love to have these relationships blossom in that direction, but don't want to feel so hurt and confused afterward. What can one do in this situation to move passed these feelings of regret?

kindLemon2749 November 11th, 2020

@Hurtandconfused86 I Understand you, i had the same feeling after breaking up with my ex.

what i would advice to you,if you like the girl and still want to see her, i guess you should be open to her and tell her the truth to make her understand she is not the reason of you pulling away. so like that its going to give her a choice if she still wanna see you, and if she doesnt it is ok because of you will be working away guilt free. just talk to her and late her know you wanna take the sex part slowly.