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HIV (discussion)

User Profile: Peter1447
Peter1447 June 24th, 2019

I just wanted to make a thread for discussion on HIV. As i could not find a threat and thought its a topic that can be discussed in here ( positively)

HIV has come a LONG way in the last few years and with the introduction on prep( i know this is not accessible to everyone and depending where you live can be expensive) as well as pep(witch many years ago was lucky to have access to when needed and grateful i was).

I feel the the sigma around HIV is changing and for the better and hoping with more people being able to access prep will cause the new number of cases of HIV to decline. I know the ultimate goal would be a cure but prevention is always a better cure in my eye and prep has made HUGE progress to this.

Just want to leave this open for discursion and only to stay positive please.

User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove March 14th, 2020

@Peter1447 thank you for creating this safe space for people affected by the HIV. heart

User Profile: Shinya
Shinya February 7th, 2021


I've been HIV positive almost 2years. Hopefully share experiences here with someone

1 reply
User Profile: Jose34
Jose34 February 7th, 2021

I guess i can't private you my question, so imma post it here. I slept with someone Dec 10th 2020, had symptoms of clymedia or a uti so I Got tested 9 days after for hiv and stds, using the 4th gen abs antigen with reflex vein blood lab test. than I got tested again day 28,41,47. I used 4th gen abs antigen with reflex vein blood lab test every time. I came back negative everytime for it all, the last time I went the doctor told me she doesn't believe I have hiv and that no further testing is needed. She told me that the 4th gen abs antigen with reflex vein blood lab test window period is only 20-45 days. But I guess I still have alot of anxiety and can't move on

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