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Am i too much

CindyIsNotOkay July 22nd, 2018

Hi, Me and my Gf (we're both females) have been together for a year and a half now, everything was great until recently anytime we do anything sexual we get a little be crazy and we both are consenting and stuff its just afterwards I regret it I just get really down and feel like im' too much I know my GF loves it and I do too but I regret it...Can anyone help me to understand why?

convivialCoconut8643 July 22nd, 2018

@CindyIsNotOkay .I don't know both of your personally but it may be because you 2 have different "likes" when you are having sex. For example, one of you may like kinky sex and one of you may like vanilla sex. I feel like a communication of these difference might help.

CindyIsNotOkay OP July 22nd, 2018

@convivialCoconut8643 i haven't really though of that before i just im tired of feeling two different things after we have sec

ambitiousTurtle3022 July 22nd, 2018


Hey kettle your black, Im pot, nice to meet cha, lol. But seriously.. whos measuring if your too much ? Maybe.. they are too little, my point being at the end of the day, whaat do YOU think? And that may help you answer the other question as well. You are facing a feeling of shame afterwards, so first thank yourself for having the emotional capabilities that are needed to feel shame, then thank your gf, because somehow she is providing a level of comfort / intimacy that is allowing this to come up for you, it may be a belief you have been carrying around since birth... Dont judge the feelings, welcome them and ask them some potentially life changing questions, gently demand an answer, you will hear it if you listen, and proceed by saying starting today, I am WILLING to release this feeling of shame that I have associated with...(fill in your answer) and IF u dont have one right away just continue to say the statement starting today, I am willing to release this feeling of can kickstart what seems to be the start of a healing :) Hope that helps even I teeny bit, I can relate💯

CindyIsNotOkay OP July 22nd, 2018

@ambitiousTurtle3022 thanks Ill try it. :)