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Trust Issues or Justified?

anna289 March 14th, 2021

So been with the bf for a while but last few months I’ve been starting to worry about him cheating on me because of things he’s been doing lately. Yes I have been cheated on in a past relationship but it never really made me feel insecure cause I knew it shows more about him than me. Anyway here’s some things my current boyfriends done: works an hour to two hours overtime almost everyday(he did get promoted to assistant manager tho), snatched his phone from my hand when we were play fighting, lied about why he snatched it and said he didn’t want me to see gifts he has for me on Amazon, later told me it was cause his ig explore page keeps showing up with pictures of half naked women but he doesn’t look at them and didn’t want me to get the wrong idea, he once said we couldn’t sit in his car cause it was too dirty inside, doesn’t talk to me much on his days off unless he’s spending it with me, says not to worry about him cheating cause he just works on cars in free time but hasn’t done that in months, one time told me he couldn’t spend the whole day with me cause he had to help his dad with some yard work at like 7 at night, when I tell him of these red flags he gets defensive instead of reassuring me or even trying to make me feel better. Someone please tell me am I just feeling insecure or are all of these actual concerns?

anna289 OP March 14th, 2021

So no one ever seems to see or respond to my posts so I’m just replying myself in hopes someone does

lightPlane2592 March 15th, 2021

I'm sorry you are going through this. I don't have much advise, but I would say fall back focus on yourself and the things that makes you happy. If he's telling the truth it will come out and if he's not it will still reveal itself. If he's cheating, it will be his lost and a lesson for you. Just don't lower your standards and remind yourself of your value. Wishing you positive luck and vibes. TC