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The Blame Game

User Profile: xandia
xandia August 23rd, 2022

I realize that relationships are not easy and take work on the part of both participants. However, it can become an issue when one partner develops a problem dealing with how the other relates to them. What I mean is, when one is used to dealing with one type of person as opposed to dealing with someone totally different from what they are used to.

In my case, I have a boyfriend who is used to dating and having relationships with partners who are dependent on them for support; whether it's financial or emotional. I, however, have worked my entire life and have been dependent on myself for providing what I need financially and emotionally. This has caused problems within our relationship. I'm finding it difficult to relate to these qualities. I'm not looking for someone to support me. I can support myself. And yet, he insists on doing this. It has caused tension in our relationship as I will not give up working.

I have discovered that he tends to blame me for problems in our relationship. I counter that it's his way of thinking about his partner that causes a rift. I realize that his generation looks at things differently. But I refuse to give up any of the attributes I've learned. I'm not from his generation. I'm younger and I will always keep myself aware of how I want to be treated in any relationship; as an equal.

I'm beginning to think this may be about control. Albeit, very subtle control. I feel he views women needing to be taken care of. That is about as far from my way of seeing life as it can get. I want our relationship to work; but for it to work I need to make him understand that I'm an independent, strong, self-aware woman who doesn't need a provider or protector. This is basically the crux of the problem. I appreciate all who read and respond to my query.

User Profile: Skansly
Skansly August 23rd, 2022

@xandia , hello

Did you try telling him that can we do that other way around where you take care of him financially and then you can tell that you can then take emotional support from him? You can observe his reactions and that would really help you to come to a conclusion.