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Maybe I worry to much.

BTJMSA010509 August 26th, 2022

I'm talking to a guy and even tho I know he has things to do but when it takes him more than a couple hours to text back I worry. I dont like texting people first definitely when it's someone I like because I worry, what if they are busy and I'm bothering them. What if they don't like to talk to me or don't want to then. I hate that I think about this to much but I hate when people keep talking to you because they don't want to hurt your feelings but then months later they tell you that they don't want to talk to you anymore or make up some dumb excuse to stop talking to you it hurts worse that way it would be nice if they would tell you sooner rather than later.

Happy900 August 26th, 2022

@BTJMSA010509 People worry for all different reasons.

It is ok to have some worry and caring for the things you care about, the most.

But try not to over do it,ok?

I hope this helps.

toughTiger6481 August 29th, 2022


After reading your post i thought i would share a different point of view.........

texting IMO is easier for those whom are busy or unable to take a call for example they CAN read and respond at their own time frame thus you are not bothering them ............. same goes if they do not respond quickly you can feel assured they just have not had a moment to respond.

I think too many people expect immediate response to texts and such and then stress out and make non response a crisis.

when to me text is a form they can read when it works for them for example if at work: on a break or lunch .......

i rarely if ever EXPECT an immediate response to a text IF i need an immediate i would call.....