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PathStep 72 Compassion hearts32 Forum posts13 Forum upvotes13 Current upvotes13 Age GroupAdult Last activeJuly, 2023 Member sinceMay 6, 2022
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I'm hurt
General Support / by BTJMSA010509
Last post
November 8th, 2022
...See more For the past week I've been talking to this guy flirting and stuff and he's been flirting back telling me about how pretty I am. I gave him a note saying that I thought that he was cute and we should talk sometime with my number on it. So when we started talking he said how gorgeous I was and amazing. Then he started talking about this girl he is in love with for the past 6 years. He got upset and said he wasn't flirting saying it's not his fault that I started to catch feelings and then he goes on to say that he did flirt and how he just wanted to be friends. I'm so upset I just want to cry or do something worse to myself. I dont know what to do.
Maybe I worry to much.
Relationship Stress / by BTJMSA010509
Last post
August 29th, 2022
...See more I'm talking to a guy and even tho I know he has things to do but when it takes him more than a couple hours to text back I worry. I dont like texting people first definitely when it's someone I like because I worry, what if they are busy and I'm bothering them. What if they don't like to talk to me or don't want to then. I hate that I think about this to much but I hate when people keep talking to you because they don't want to hurt your feelings but then months later they tell you that they don't want to talk to you anymore or make up some dumb excuse to stop talking to you it hurts worse that way it would be nice if they would tell you sooner rather than later.
Hello I hate to put this on people but I feel like I need some support
Trauma Support / by BTJMSA010509
Last post
August 31st, 2022
...See more I'm miserable, my mom acts like I'm this horrible person who doesn't help around the house. I'm 17 got my license coming up to a year in November so I want to go out and do things with my sister and go to work and talk to the two friends that I have. I work at Walmart so anytime I go in I take about 20 minutes to talk to my favorite person because I never see her outside of work and she helps with my depression. If I'm taking to long for my mom she flips out I understand if she needs somthing in a hurry but half the time it isn't. I run to Walmart about 4 or 5 times a day because I forgot something or she wants something else and gets mad if I forgot something or if they didn't have it, I can't control that. I help around the house all the time, letting out the dogs every 2 hours about (since our dog is old she can't control it very well) and I do it but if I ask if my sister can do it for that one time everyone goes after me. We had to deep clean the house and my sister has gotten surgery just 4 days before, and she needed to be moving for certain reasons, but she didn't help at all and I did everything and you don't do what my mom wants she gets mad and flips out on you. I had asked my sister to help me feed our cat (12 cans of soft food) just open them would be fine but she through a fit about it and how she couldn't bend down even though she'd been doing it a couple minutes earlier so now she's using it as an excuse to get what she wants. I understand my mom has a hard time with some things my parents are not divorced but my dad works a couple states away so she takes care of the animals and my sister mostly I take care of myself, I pay for my own gas and things that I need I help pay for food sometimes but she gets mad when I ask for a couple dollars for a game or something when she needs to pay me back 3 thousand dollars. I dont mind not getting the money because i used that for food so i ate out of that. I dont mind helping out but when I do I do something wrong for her so I get yelled at . I go out to do something with my sister o get yelled at to come home because the animals outside are fighting she doesn't have a job she never leaves the house she could at least go outside for a second and stop it then having me drive back five minutes to stop it. I feel like I'm doing something wrong I can't talk to her about it or she yells and says I don't do anything I'm useless and a bitch for the way I acted. I feel like I have no freedom has a teenager. I'm only aloud to go do stuff for her not for me she get pissed when I want to go out and do things and tells me no. I want to talk to my dad about it but I'm not sure how. I dont mind helping, I'll help when I'm needed so I dont know what I'm doing wrong i may have a little attitude sometimes but Im in a bad mood almost all the time because of it but I still do what I'm asked.
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