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need advice

batman829 July 7th

me and my girlfriend have been dating for a few months now and recently things have been difficult we sometimes treat each other like friends or when were on a call we barely talk she has a habit of drinking when things are bad and recently she drank and tried having a serious conversation with which i got uncomfortable with and asked her to not talk to me like that yesterday she drank again and i know she did becuase i asked if she did anything and she told me she didnt want to say bc shed know id perfer to go to sleep and i let it slide cuz i missed her even if it did make me a little uncomfortable. she suffers from a bipolar disorder and i know i cant blame her for a lot of things and i wanna help her be better. deep down shes a sweet girl and i love her shes been going through mania and ive never dealt with a situation like that i just want to be a good boyfriend

BlossomGirvan July 10th


I’m sorry to hear that things have been difficult lately. It’s clear that you care deeply about your girlfriend and want to support her, which is a wonderful foundation for any relationship. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Open Communication: It's important to communicate openly and honestly with each other. Let her know how you’re feeling and listen to her as well. Setting aside time for calm, non-judgmental conversations can help you both understand each other better.
  2. Support for Bipolar Disorder: Understanding bipolar disorder is crucial. Educate yourself about it so you can better understand her experiences. Encourage her to seek professional help if she hasn’t already. Therapy and medication can make a big difference.
  3. Setting Boundaries: It's okay to set boundaries, especially when it comes to her drinking and having serious conversations while intoxicated. Explain to her why it makes you uncomfortable and try to find a compromise that respects both of your needs.
  4. Supportive Environment: Create a supportive environment for her. Encourage healthy habits and be there for her during both the highs and lows. Let her know you’re there for her, but also take care of your own well-being.
  5. Patience and Understanding: Dealing with bipolar disorder can be challenging for both of you. Be patient and understanding, and remember that it's okay to seek support for yourself as well.

You’re doing a great job by wanting to be there for her. Relationships can be tough, especially when dealing with mental health issues, but with love, understanding, and support, you can navigate these challenges together.

Take care and stay strong.

batman829 OP July 10th

thank you so much :( ive been a little lost how can i encourage those healthy habits and build that environment for her to get better i try to be as patient as i can and sometimes i get a little rude and i feel horrible when i do but shes also really understanding

BlossomGirvan July 11th


Batman829, I really admire your dedication and compassion. It's clear you care deeply about her well-being and want to create a positive environment for her. Encouraging healthy habits can be challenging, but your patience and understanding are already a huge step in the right direction.

Remember that it's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes. What matters is that you're aware and willing to make changes. When you feel frustrated, try to take a step back and give yourself a moment to breathe. we all get rude etc from time to time. part of being human

You're doing a great job, and it's wonderful that she understands and supports you too. Keep up the good work, and don’t be too hard on yourself. You're both in this together, and your efforts will make a difference🤗