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its probably been more than 8 months now. I wanna move on

brentspov 3 days ago

i’ve done every possible thing that i could, but the mending only helps temporarily. please, i need help, i need advices. i want to move on, i need to move on, i wanna live my life without her, i wanna forget about how her eyes flutters, how her smell lingers and how her touch warms me. i wanna love how life is, i need to. please, help me, all of the advices that you could give, please give them. :))

toughTiger6481 2 days ago


It sounds like you tried to mend several times but it is a band aid at best... it is probably a habit and many go back and forth before cutting ties completely.  it is the easy way

It is frustrating but we kid ourselves that no one else will fill that void or anything we make compromise and get less and less then we deserve just to keep a relationship on life support.  do you think if she had someone else she would look back?  or is it easy for her to give you false hope when she needs something... What you will regret is not moving on  sooner. 

brentspov OP 2 days ago

i’ve probably done everything in my power to move on, deleted her pictures, blocked her on all social platforms, and removed anything that reminded me of her, but still, there’s a part of me that still holds on. i’m aware that if i don't move on sooner, i’ll surely regret it, which is why i want to and need to move on. i’m lost. i don’t know what what else i can do to move past her. for the last few weeks, i’ve been having constant dreams of her, hearing her laugh, feeling her presence, and seeing that precious girl in conscience makes me feel at home. i don’t know anymore, i badly want to move on, and i’ve done everything i could, but every time i think of her (in which i don’t do it because i want to, but she just somehow pops up in my mind), my stomach drops, my heart feels like a rock drifting at the bottom of the ocean floor. i don't wanna be stuck in this situation anymore. i want to move on, but i don’t know how

brentspov OP 2 days ago

please, i need help, is there anything more that i could do to help myself move on?

toughTiger6481 2 days ago


each person is different but i would not remove things that reminded you. or  delete photos they have no power over you. You cannot erase them completely as this was a person who was a part of your life and trying to erase would erase that time of you too... sometimes i think photos are helpful as when we picture in  our head it may be flawless ........and real life  even photos are not flawless. 

I have people in my past I would like to forget...... but they had an impact on me and taught me something about myself so no matter if I dislike them or glad i moved on i am ok to remember this  or that person helped me become who I am now...sometimes when a subject comes up they pop in my head. .   their part in my life is over i do not need to look them up and know where they are i just accept what i learned good or bad about myself and world when  or because I knew them once. 

brentspov OP 2 days ago

ill take note of the things youve said, i appreciate your words a lot, thank you:)

nica07 2 days ago


Same here! It's been a year now since my partner and I broke up after five years being together. It's tough, very exhausted and right now it still kills me. But I believe the right time will come and we could eventually move on and be fully healed. Just don't lose hope, we'll get there... hopefully as soon as possible.

Just remember you're not alone with this situation. I am with you, dealing with the same circumstances. Take care of yourself and love yourself as much as you love her. Someday you'll look back at this situation you're dealing with right now, and maybe you'll laugh at it while realizing that she was one of the hardest lesson you've ever took.

Time will come.. Trust time timing :)

brentspov OP 2 days ago

hopefully time will be on our sides in healing. thanks a lot:) hopefully someday ill wake up and not feel my heart sink while thinking of her

brentspov OP 2 days ago

was there something that you had done to help cope with the heartbreak? i don’t really know what to do whenever i think of her, all i feel is this crushing air that suffocate me

Meloverse 2 days ago


Trying to move on from someone you once cared so deeply about is extremely difficult and a painful process.  It's important to know that even though time does heal and partaking in the activities that are listed here by other people like deleting photos etc. could speed up the process, it's not a straight path. 

I find that many people think that to get over someone/move on completely means that you never think of them again or have no feelings at all to them.  However, I feel that yes, I don't feel the same way about them anymore when I hear their name or see their face, but, the good and the bad from that relationship still carries onto the next and in my life.  

So what I'm trying to say here is that I understand you want to move on but don't be so hard on yourself if it's been some time and you're still feeling something towards them.  

brentspov OP 2 days ago

i may have been too hard on myself, but i honestly can’t help it. it keeps eating me up whenever i remember her and what we were, but i will try to be a little bit more gentle with myself, thank you for your words:)

scarlettve9 1 day ago


Am here to testify how my relationship was restored back by the great power's of Dr Adoda after three months of loneliness, my ex-lover called me after my contact with Dr Adoda on ( That he want us to come back and start a good home, happy to write on this website that my ex boyfriend is back with me and i am very happy sharing the testimony with everyone so that they too can meet this great Dr Adoda and solve their problems. I highly recommend, take a chance.. if your not a believer, he will make you one.