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What is love actually?

TheForbiddenfruit November 23rd, 2022

What actually is love? Can you love more than one person do your think, I don’t mean Polyamorous, I mean can you be happy in a relationship, love that person and live your life with them, but have feelings for someone else aswell, someone they don’t know about, a person who absolutely gets you, a person who is in the same situation as you at home, but is like a drug you’re addicted to… is it love? Is it something else?

innateJoy9602 November 23rd, 2022


Interesting question! I believe everyone's interpretation of love is different. There can also be just caring for a person and knowing they mean a lot to you. But, I also think there's various different kinds of love. At the end of the day, the only person who can decide if it's love is yourself. 💜

johannes211 November 24th, 2022

An illusion

CatzInTheCradle November 24th, 2022


The idea of polyamory is essentially that we can love many people and most likely will love many people in our lifetime.

But ‘love’ is distinct from ‘relationships’. Love might be how we feel about other people (or how we feel about ourselves also - ‘self-love’); and relationships is what we ultimately decide to do about it, or how we act upon those feelings. We can fall in love with people without necessarily being in a relationship with them. And you can be in a relationship with a person without being in love.

[If] we are in love with one person and happily in a relationship with them; while at the same time in love with someone else - there’s no reason why that feeling (of love) that we have for both people cannot be true at the same time. If we feel exactly the same way for two people in every respect, but then somehow conclude that how we feel about person (a) is ‘love’ because this person came into our lives first, and how we feel about person (b) is ‘not love’ because they came into our lives second - We are merely deluding ourselves to reach a contradictory conclusion.

However, if we promise ourselves exclusively (monogamy) to the first partner then that necessarily creates an obligation in our actions from pursuing a relationship with other people irrespective of our feelings. If we pursue love with others after vowing to love only our partners, then this is a betrayal of the love that we promised our partners. Love is sacred, and honors its promises. The element of secrecy in the situation you described is troubling. Usually there are not any healthy loving reasons for keeping secrets from our partners; particularly if it pertains to our feelings of love/attraction for other people. That might be indicative of shame/fear of crossing a boundary in the relationship.

In short, I do think it’s possible (and even very probable) to love many people at the same time and there’s evidence of it happening in relationships all over the world right now. What matters is what they do about it; and how people reconcile that feeling (of love for another person not their partners) within the boundaries of their existing relationships.


Iamwhoiamwhoami November 24th, 2022

I don’t have a clue what love is or what it feels like. But I think I would like to experience it before I go.