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Toxic and Stubborn

sinkinganddisappearing July 18th, 2023

I'm in a toxic relationship but I can't seem to leave, I know I should I'm emotional and physical exhausted but my stubbornness won't let me give in. I don't understand why I can't just let him go I'm unhappy and I also believe it's turning my into a poor excuse of a mom to my son. I know life would be better alone, I know I could do it but still I stay....

toughTiger6481 July 19th, 2023


You are not alone many have stayed for various reasons even if they won't admit to themselves.

stay for the child..... stay because you have X amount of years invested..... stay because the whole divide assets and finances sounds like a hassle or a dreaded fight...... secret worry about being alone or not having a fallback....

i used to not understand those who just threw in the towel but Now not only do i see it i wish i had the courage to do it.

sinkinganddisappearing OP July 19th, 2023

Me too it's like all the reasons you stay far out weigh the 1 very good reason you should go. The courage people have to leave is so hard to come by they should be proud of the steps they have taken I hope to get their one day ....

happysunflower94 July 19th, 2023

Hey @sinkinganddisappearing,

You are not alone in this and you should not blame yourself for staying. Sometimes, we get imminently attached to toxic individuals and we get scared of leaving, of being alone.

I am proud of you for realizing that you are in a toxic relationship - it is a big step!

A toxic relationship is not the end. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is so much more life to explore after a toxic relationship. This will be probably big the biggest step - to end the relationship - but it will be so worth it! Because you deserve more - both you and your son. You deserve to be happy, to be free and to be loved by someone who truly deserves you.

I wish you find the courage to discover a new life for yourself and for your son. I am here for you!

I wish you the best!

sinkinganddisappearing OP July 19th, 2023

Thank you so much for your message ❤️

FinalGirl July 19th, 2023

Hello, I'm sorry you are feeling this way right now.

Would you mind elaborating on what is toxic? If there is abuse going on, I may be able to offer advice.

Please take care

sinkinganddisappearing OP July 19th, 2023

It's not physical violence but there was in the past a long time ago which was a one of event that ended up with him in prison for a year it was bad but I saw that he needed help so I stood by him and he worked really hard to change when he got out and then we had a child that was 4yrs ago.

He's manipulative and plays with my emotions I literally walk on egg shells around him because of his mood swings and I have no life because of his paranoia.... Honestly the guy has said some of the most vicious and disgusting things you can think of and he's a cheat.

But I love him and he isn't always terrible and I know how cliche that sounds but it's how it is.

DagmarP July 19th, 2023

I can relate so much with your situation. I dont know how to leave this. We live in my house so I camt be the one to leave. But he doesnt leave either. He humiliates me every week He has drinking and lying issues. And I am almost 98% sure that he is being unfaithful. I just dont know what else to do. I dont feel the strength to keep on holding and thinking of what else to do other than brakeup in a very messy way. Which is not what I want. If it has to end then I would like it to be on the best terms possible. Because we have a 3 year old together. Its really hard. So I can totally relate to being in a toxic relationship. You are not alone.

sinkinganddisappearing OP July 19th, 2023

Thanks for your message I hope you don't mind but I've messaged you to chat we seem like we're in very similar circumstances xxx

sinkinganddisappearing OP July 19th, 2023

I meant you can message me to chat anytime if you can I'd like to talk to you xxx