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Texts brwn ex went south…

Priscella August 1st

weve been talking like friends and he called me and I answered. He said it hurt so much because I’m not there with him but we both have no jobs he has no car because he lost it and I want to heal away from him and he says I don’t love him enough because I don’t wanna heal while we are together but he wants me now and doesn’t want me to heal away from him when I told him I would most likely not heal and that me being back would make him better. He says I’m all he wants and then accuses me that I am seeing people and I want to fulfill whatever I want with this time away and I said no that’s not what I’m doing I’m trying to heal and he should too. It hurts me. He’s making me like an ultimatum and I said that’s not love and he says I don’t love him the way he does. He tried calling and I didn’t answer rn because I’m with my mom and brother and there sleeping and my neighborhood isn’t so good so I don’t wanna step outside and he’s just like if you have anything to say call me I’m done texting and before that I said I love you and haven’t responded to him. It hurts me. I know I’m healing a little because old me would’ve done anything to go back to him like ask for money to get there but I’m not doing that. This is so hard but I’m somehow ok but it hurts so much

toughTiger6481 August 5th


Growth and healing sometimes is painful.  Congrats on making changes and not falling for his manipulation.

Love should never be used as IF you love me you will do X ,Y and Z.   stay strong and look out for U