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val2005 October 16th, 2023

So me and boyfriend has been dating for almost two years now and things has been going smoothly or at least sometimes things will go smoothly,I break up with my boyfriend like randomly but we always get back together,so recently my boyfriend travelled out and I an happy for him but he has also been distant ,excuses upon excuses,I don't know what to do honestly,am I a fool for not realizing that he doesn't love me

selfdisciplinedPenny4408 October 16th, 2023

I am new here and am in a relationship with who I believe to be a wonderful woman but I have been intentionally fooled in my prior relationships the past two lasting about 10 years each both times based on lies and the deceit. believing I may have PTSD with this matter seeking helping guidance before I screw up a good thing because of a bad one

selfdisciplinedPenny4408 October 16th, 2023

@val2005 just want to say you're not alone I'm brand new here this is the first post I've read unfortunately I do have no idea whether I'm believing the truth or a lie just want to say you're not alone hang in there we'll figure it out somehow