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Step family problems

Hurtandconfused86 August 18th, 2023

My son and wife (his step mom) do not get along. It’s been an issue since he came to live with us a year ago. They seemed to get along ok before that. But my wife is far more strict than I am. I often work out of town, leaving him in her custody. Recently. He asked to move back with his mom. This entire situation has caused a lot of drama in our household. It’s caused me a depressive episode in which my wife was not really supportive. My son and I go away this evening for a walk and had a long talk. He expressed not really wanting to be around her. If it were only me, he wouldn’t be leaving. He, accurately, called out how he can see I’m not overly happy, but feel stuck since we have a new daughter. He said he understands not leaving. His sister needs me more than he does, but that I need to think about what will make me happy, not everyone else. Am I wrong for staying? Would I be wrong to leave?

politePeach9642 August 20th, 2023


Hi, I wouldn’t think you’re wrong for staying because you have responsibilities to your wife and your new daughter. When you said, “I do” to her, you’re basically saying yes, I want to be stuck with you through good times and bad and that im willing to work through problems we’re having.

Yes, you’re also responsible for your own happiness, but you were happy when you married your new wife. What ways can you bring that happiness you felt for her before? What other ways can you find happiness together again?