Relationship regret
It's gonna be a year since me and my ex broke up cause I didn't act properly and didn't treat him that good acoording to him so he gave up and just broke up after listening to someone else. I was hurt and realised I liked him a lot so I asked him out within a few weeks but he rejected me. We don't even talk that much as friends anymore and is it weird that I still care and he doesn't? I wish I didn't make that mistake, we would have still lasted. How to get over regret..
@peachGrapes6331 Doesn't feel right to lose a relationship because you "didn't treat him good". You have nothing to prove.
It is common to keep caring when other people stop caring. Do you want to talk about it?
Yeah sure..
@peachGrapes6331 Apparently you are a teen and can't be messaged directly by non-teen listeners.