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Relationship regret

peachGrapes6331 November 4th, 2023

It's gonna be a year since me and my ex broke up cause I didn't act properly and didn't treat him that good acoording to him so he gave up and just broke up after listening to someone else. I was hurt and realised I liked him a lot so I asked him out within a few weeks but he rejected me. We don't even talk that much as friends anymore and is it weird that I still care and he doesn't? I wish I didn't make that mistake, we would have still lasted. How to get over regret..

SolarGenerator November 4th, 2023

@peachGrapes6331 Doesn't feel right to lose a relationship because you "didn't treat him good".  You have nothing to prove.

It is common to keep caring when other people stop caring.  Do you want to talk about it?

peachGrapes6331 OP November 5th, 2023

Yeah sure..

SolarGenerator November 5th, 2023

@peachGrapes6331 Apparently you are a teen and can't be messaged directly by non-teen listeners.

peachGrapes6331 OP November 5th, 2023

Ohh what do I do then :(

SolarGenerator November 5th, 2023

Does this link work @peachGrapes6331 ?

peachGrapes6331 OP November 5th, 2023

It just shows the browsing listeners option but not an option to message you..

peachGrapes6331 OP December 4th, 2023

Hi is there any way to text you?.. @SolarGenerator

peachGrapes6331 OP November 5th, 2023

I used to avoid him sometimes cause I was nervous and didn't allow him to have any physical contact with me cause again I was nervous and also because I wasn't used to a relationship and then unconsciously I acted really rude one day because I was worries about something at home and later my friend told him about how I used to tell that I want to break up everyday (i have serious commitment issues because of which I used to say it and she used it as an advantage even tho i didn't say it everyday) and made him doubt that I even like him. Because of all which he broke up with me in the evening of that day with the excuse that he lost feelings. Half the issues were cause of the girl who used to be my friend. Apparently after we broke up I was really hurt that time so he asked my friend whether I was okay and she told him that I was angry that I couldn't dump him before he dumped me and more things because of which he started hating me. I didn't know she was the reason until like 2-3 months ago. And a year ago after a few days when I asked him out he told he doesn't believe in second chances and that he thinks we're better as friends. And a few months ago when I confronted him that he never told me that she was the reason he just said sorry and said that it was long gone.

peachGrapes6331 OP November 9th, 2023

I feel it's cause I wasn't mentally read for one that time and also cause I was scared about people getting to know it. He told me he would wait for me but looks like he clearly couldn't. Once I thought the breakup happened for the good since I felt a weird sensation many times but after breaking up I wanted to get back with him.