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Recent break up

chaoticcryptid September 11th

Hey everyone, this is my first time coming here.

I've recently broke up with a partner because they were not fulfilling my needs and I still feel like I love them.

I feel like I'm never going to fall in love again, even though logically that's not very likely.

It gets hardest at night, like right now.

toughTiger6481 September 12th


If you still love your partner and  breaking up over your needs being met.

Was there work on that before you made the break ?  Did you fully express what you need or wanted in relationship?             I am asking as i have not left yet ..... and i see now that in the changes we have been through in our relationship our needs changed and i doubt either of us is meeting them for the other. In fact my partner when we had the "talk" is trying so hard to meet my past needs NOT current ones. 

You will most likely find love again but as i found a while ago some bonds are stronger then others, It is hard sometimes to be alone we want companionship we want someone to share with.... i hope it eases for you.  

chaoticcryptid OP September 12th

I recently asked today if we could be in an open relationship together and if she would be ok with that (moreso the part where we get back together), I am anxious about her decision.

wannabesomebody September 12th

im experiencing the same thing as a 18y old female, its been really hard 4 me, he changed a lot as a person and he cannot meet my needs anymore, and i dont need a lot believe me, i just need quality time even if its little, but he has no time for me n i know he could make some, like they say: if he wanted to he would. Im planning on breaking up tomorrow, ive been preparing for like 2 weeks now mentally but i do not feel ready. I love him more than myself literally, but i need to give muself a chance as well to find someone who treats me betta, at the end of the day, its me myself and I so i need to ve a priority 4 myself:) Hope how i see it helps u understand ur situation more. Ion think u should settle w an open realtionship. If she eanter to she would, dont settle for less, be true w urself and treat urself w findig a good person 4 u. Sorry for typos its my 2nd language

wannabesomebody September 12th

and btw i feel luke the same like u wrote in the end, it feels like im almost disguised when it comes to other men, idk when or how it will change, im positive but nah, cant even imagine touching other men, and the worst part is ion think he thinks the same, so ehy should I?