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Parents Disabling You From Living Your Life?

User Profile: sympatheticCranberry4498
sympatheticCranberry4498 August 19th, 2024

Not sure where this post belongs.. Please correct me if I chose wrong, sorry for any trouble in advance.

This may be a bit of a read.

Ever believe that the way you were raised and the way you live now has been filled with contradictions? From being a bold to shy, people pleaser to speaker-upper, a daughter to a maid, a mother to nothing but a child? 

Sounds confusing right?

Well, my issue, and my thoughts hit me today and figured I would share and get an opinion:

My mother rules my life and my family will always have the last say so long as I am part of it regardless of how I am treated by anyone in said family. My mother has always been the controlling type. I am not a child, I'm in my mid thirties and just moved back a few years ago, we both agreed to help each other out. My job wasn't paying enough and hers wasn't either, the bills were increasing and ultimately so was our debt. 

"Join forces for the better good!" Or so I thought. 

While being under the same roof as your parents would be a nightmare for some and a blessing for others, it's kind of in between for me. So long as I steer clear as much as I can and don't share my opinions on anything she approaches me with, we're good. Now, I pay my fair share of the bills, we split it and both have full time jobs. I take care of and maintain the house, raise my kid, and help with ANY tasks she and my siblings have. There's little to no boundaries in the household. Until recently, I started seeing someone, and she has an issue with it. She doesn't want them coming over to spend any time with me for fear of it being inappropriate for my kid to see. I can understand if we were doing PDA but we literally were just watching TV and playing board games/video games, which my kid even takes part in sometimes. 

I've had friends over before, and even one recently that I had to cut ties with considering they were trying to cross a line that had been made long ago. After multiple times telling them we're just friends they kept pushing and became jealous that I started to see someone else. My mother favored this friend because she found them cute and liked that they would spend money whenever they came over. My mother has always been one to say "date a person with money and not for love as that can come later". I have always been someone to date for love and grow a partnership with someone. 

All that aside, is it right that I should not be able to have visitors? (As she has now clarified none shall visit). As I have thought this over other things came to mind: she doesn't allow me to have a sitter come into the house, she doesn't allow me to go out on my own without my kid unless she or a family member is watching my kid, she won't allow me to go on trips or do anything. I run myself thin as it is by piling on all the responsibilities of the house and anything and everything everyone needs. To the point I'm referred to as the Cinderella of the group to my friends. Make more money and get out is not the option, as I have done that and was ridiculed by my whole family for it. That also did nothing for my kids relationship with her and only made me the bad guy even more. 

I miss out and have missed out on many things in my life to fulfill my family's needs. They are most important to me but I feel like I have forgotten who I am in the midst of all that.

What would you do? Or should I just suck it up and wait 10 more years and hope for the best at this point?

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 August 20th, 2024


You are a grown woman and as many many adults move back in with a parent or family member  for financial reasons that does not mean you revert back to childhood.   It is time for you to stand up to your mom and have an adult conversation....about boundaries and treated as adults not a teen. 

 you are roommates and i am sure in tough times she welcomes the help financially too.   

As roommates and you are a grown up you do not need Mom approval of any friends  or BF ... short of having her sit with your child ...........where you go is also not her concern. can chose not to be treated like you are incapable of standing up for yourself.  I  too had a controlling mother ...... she wanted a say in all my doings.... how i raised my kids and she  hated my spouse ....  she liked my sisters  parade of BF"s  even though they never lasted  ( secretly i think she liked them running to her even in their 30's ) I had to put my foot down and take back my control i did and never looked back ....... i got something no other sibling had her respect.