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My partner might not love me

calmTree3152 February 22nd

My partner and I have been dating for 1.5 years now and due to her shifting countries and my hesitation towards upholding a long distance relationship with no end in sight, we decided long ago to end our relationship when she leaves and that is just a few months away. For the last few months i’ve been feeling less loved. In fact, i don’t know if I've ever been loved the way i need to be in the entire duration of us dating. Ive been in *** friendships these past year and i keep feeling like i just will never find true love. Im ready to work for it. Im working for it with us but it doesn't seem like she respects me or is interested in me as a person anymore. I think she’s just finding comfort in having someone by her side to call her baby and make love to her. This sounds so exaggerated but i feel so lost. I don’t know what to think and feel anymore. Some might say this was to be expected if you knew the relationship is going to end. But then to lead me on like this isn't fair either right? If she doesnt love me. Isnt in love with me. Why is she with me. I dont want to fall out of love with her. But im so tired of giving all the time. Im the one compromising. Im the one thinking. Caring. Expecting. Loving. She just wants. Never gives. im not looking for advice this is just a rant. If anybody does, thank you for reading till here.

toughTiger6481 February 26th


I am sorry you have been going through this it is totally not OK to be used as a friends with benefits with out knowing that from the start. 

you are worth more.