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Military Girlfriend struggling with uncertainty

Alwayshungry983 July 10th, 2023

For context, I have been with my boyfriend for 1 year and he just got out of bootcamp after being gone for 3 months. He is now an official Marine going into the reserves. He's going to be gone again but will have his phone on him and he said he will be there for me no matter what. When I think about the future it does motivate me to keep going and I love the way he is. I think I am struggling to process when he first left and how to feel comfortable with the new him. Does anyone have any advice or experience to help?

I've already talked to him about this and he said he would comfort me if needed but that I will adapt because I'm strong. It's just hard to get used to him having other priorities, but I'm super happy he is following his dream.

toughTiger6481 July 10th, 2023


The new him is a good description... going through boot camp and embracing the military life does change a person. I have known some that really changed their perspective and outlook it mature people quickly as well...

in reality people change a little bit with each thing or change in life ... IMO military just speeds that up a great deal. if you are committed you will need to adjust to changes big and small and him the changes in you as well.