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Long breakup

User Profile: Tommy1971
Tommy1971 August 14th, 2024

I started up on here a few weeks ago, I’ve been talking to one of the great listeners who has been super helpful, I also wanted to share my story for more support.

I’m a m/53

my girlfriend and I have been together about three years. It started off with some distrust, I was with someone when we started dating, and then broke that off. I still had some female friends. I hung out with occasionally as friends. I stopped that.

trust has always been an issue because of that.

Constantly, I would get accused of doing things I wasn’t, or seeing people I wasn’t. I was getting on dating apps, a coping habit from when I was single. I wasn’t going out and meeting anyone though. Her feelings were justified, as I was doing some wrong, just not what she thought.

at some point earlier this year, I decided I wanted to stop that if I wanted a better relationship, being 100% in. It was too late because shortly after she found out about me being on apps. It happened while we were driving somewhere, and tempers escalated to where I had to push her off me while driving and hit her in the face. I ended up going to jail for five days and I’m on probation now. She took me back in, and I’ve been doing everything I can to prove I’ve changed since, but it doesn’t seem to matter. I’m accused of things I’m not doing now more than ever, and I’m truly being faithful now. I’m communicating and more engaged. We had some deep talk and I know how I’ve been wrong and how I had to change. I’m still accused of doing wrong at the slightest thing that bothers her.

it got too much, and last weekend I told her I’m not tolerating that anymore, I know trust takes time to rebuild, but she’s not trying and there’s no trust or love at all between us. She said she was sorry and apologized, which she doesn’t do easily. It’s difficult for her to see when she could be wrong in any situation, they usually gets turned around on me. I’ve suspected a lot of narcissistic tendencies, along with ADHD and many health issues that give her a lot of stress.

I get that to a point, if it was an occasional accusation, once a month, maybe, that could be normal, but not several times a week. I told her the other day I have to be done, because she keeps breaking my boundaries. I know I’ve done wrong, and I’ve taken steps to correct things and try to make up for my mistakes, but I feel I deserve to be treated better. It’s been a couple months since that incident.

i’m still living at the house, as we’re tied together financially, and she can’t survive without my income. I’ve lived with her younger kids for three years, and I don’t want to just up and leave for those reasons. How should I navigate things going forward here? I suspect she’ll say she’ll change as she has before, but it’s never truly happened. She apologized for it and did it again the next day. I need help sticking to my guns here and not going back again while still sharing a space.

Thanks for reading 😊

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 August 23rd, 2024


It has been a week plus i hope you are finding ways to co habitat as you said your financials were interconnected.   many in your shoes where the relationship is not working but so much intertwined in finances and breaking completely may hurt both people  ability to live and survive comfortably 

User Profile: Tommy1971
Tommy1971 OP August 23rd, 2024

A lot has happened, we’ve been on and off getting along. I discovered a book this week- No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover. It’s about me, almost every word. I’ve been too much of a nice guy, people suppressing myself to make others happy. Weak. I feel pretty empowered after having my eyes opened to this. Started doing some things I wanted to do- take walks after work, got dinner with my best friend instead of going to kid’s game this week.

called her out on something she did wrong and she’s been mad at me. I wasn’t mean about it. She doesn’t like that I’m standing up for myself. Im standing strong 💪

feel the possibility of a new me is more doable now with guidance. I’m looking for a SA group.

How are you?

1 reply
User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 August 24th, 2024


I am happy for you standing up for yourself is freeing and rewarding..... i too used to be nice people person but always felt like a doormat ..... much happier since i quit that. 

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