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I Don’t Know

toughChestnut6479 19 hours ago

my ex and I broke up around 7 months ago, and he would always tell me I’m horrible for criticizing him and asking him for things like flowers, or just to talk to me. For context My friend was in the ICU and I asked him for more support because I felt like he wasn’t there for me. He would bring up things I did in the past, some I couldn’t remember. Some I didn’t think were wrong one being I didn’t answer his text because I was babysitting my nephew. Ever since then I don’t feel like I can open up about what I feel because I’m scared people will think I’m criticizing them, and even though I know I wasn’t in the wrong at the time for asking for support, but I can’t help but think I need to fix something about myself. My therapist says that he emotionally abused me and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I feel lost but can’t talk to anyone about it.

toughTiger6481 11 hours ago


It is not you..... but  about him.   

 People who cannot take any  type of direction or what they feel is criticism  regardless of why ... and  then they blame others for it need to grow up.      That behavior shows he has issues he needs to work on.  Him taking any request to statement and act like any challenge Is Bad shows he is avoiding growth and change in himself.   

 No matter how much you work on yourself you can not change them and they are the issue.   You should never have to defend yourself for reaching out and asking for help.   

If you try to adjust yourself or never say anything that others may think is critical ... then you will be alone because in reality .... if you can not speak up these people are NOT real friends