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How do I stop being Emotionally Unavailable in my relationship

secretsyrup July 16th

i really love my boyfriend so much and i want to have a future together but my ignorance and emotional unavailability makes everything worse because i always upset him with things i do. i want to be better. i love him but i'm so bad at expressing it. 

ASilentObserver July 22nd

@secretsyrup It seems like you care deeply about your boyfriend and wish to improve in showing your affection. What aspects of expressing love feel challenging for you?

toughTiger6481 July 22nd


Finding ways to express how we feel can be challenging... what seems to be a secret is communication and finding ways to clearly express ourselves are skills  that need to be practiced... very few are just magically good at it. 

Sometimes in a relationship we need to let our bf/or gf ...know how we like to be shown affection.

 example my partner likes to buy me things ... i do not want stuff that others may enjoy ..........but one more item  that i dislike...... and i feel i must fake i like it......... thank them for  it ..... Knowing it will create more distance between us. ... i want words ...i want action not candy or stuff i do not need. 

He told me he is not good at expressing himself or never learned .... i then said well it is not too late for you to LEARN or improve on a skill by trying and practicing.