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User Profile: Lenaye8
Lenaye8 October 24th, 2024

Something eye have been learning along the way since my 20’s they are fully important it did not really hit me till 26 that my boubdaries was messed up and eye slowly worked on them in some areas of my life then after having my daughter it took me 6 yrs to take control over my boundaries again after being pushed to the edge which had me spiral hard and was in a haze for a few years after. At 33/34 eye really took a hit with my mental health since I let all my anxiety get the best of me. After that I knew I had ro set stronger boundaries for myself, family & frnds and others. It made sense eye was losing all the good things about me. At 35 eye love my boundaries eye set for work, at home, with my partner. We had a break thru yesterday we had to set his own boundaries, not having them it was pulling him in all directions which cause his own spirals. It took a while for himto get what eye meant yet there was no yelling, just expressing how to create stronger ones for yaself and letting ppl around you know, there is a time period when eyem not available plz tlk to me after or just txt me if need be. When you set those boundaries nothing can sway you out of the emotions/space ya are giving ya self. We are still learning one another and it makes a difference speaking thru it together and making the strides for that extra peace of mind

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 October 24th, 2024


I am glad you have come to that peace in knowing how and why boundaries are important.