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Being dependent on someone

AshtynLuv97 June 25th

There is this person in my life that I love...absolutely love. We had a minor incident regarding feelings of one another, and I feel like I have become dependent of them. How would one know if they are becoming dependent of someone, emotionally?

toughTiger6481 June 26th


do you feel you cannot be happy without them? are you in a funk without connecting with them ?  does a rush of excitement and even bad things fade when they are connected...

then perhaps you are emotionally connected... remember while they feeling is good when we let ourselves be dependent on anyone they greater chance of being hurt far worse then being more dependent on ourselves to meet our needs. 

AmyPondd June 28th


Hey there, thanks for reaching out and sharing what’s been going on with you. It sounds like you’re dealing with some complicated feelings right now. It can be really tough to navigate emotions, especially when it comes to someone we care deeply about. I’d love to help you explore this a bit more.

From what you’ve described, it sounds like you might be worried about emotional dependency. This is a common concern, and it’s great that you’re seeking to understand your feelings better. Here are a few questions that might help you reflect on your situation:

1. How do you feel when you're not around this person? Do you find yourself feeling anxious, lonely, or incomplete without them?

2. Do you rely on this person for your happiness and emotional stability? For example, do you feel like you need their validation or presence to feel good about yourself?

3. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements with this person? Do you feel a lot of fear about the possibility of losing them or their approval?

4. Do you have a strong support system outside of this person? Friends, family, hobbies, or activities that you enjoy independently?

5. How often do you think about this person? Is it difficult to focus on other areas of your life because your thoughts are preoccupied with them?

6. Have you noticed any changes in your behavior or routine that are centered around this person? For instance, altering your plans or interests to align more with theirs?

Reflecting on these questions might give you some insights into your feelings and whether there’s a pattern of dependency forming. Remember, it’s okay to lean on others for support and to have strong emotional connections. The key is finding a balance where you can still maintain your own sense of self and independence.