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Anyone else struggle with letting go?


For context, I have BPD and I have been with my current person almost 5 years. A LOT has happened, and to keep it short, it's just been almost 5 years of a dwindling connection. The switch happened recently, and he is no longer my FP. Due to the things he's done and basically just slowly, disappointment after disappointment and feeling the emotional pedestal I had him on get smaller and smaller with each let down. So, I'm trying to figure out why it is, or maybe how it is, that he is no longer my FP, and the veil has COMPLETELY lifted, but I still love him too much to let go? I still feel the same at the idea of him with someone else. Bitter. I almost feel frozen in time. Anyone relate?

toughTiger6481 May 24th


I think many have trouble letting go...... of any relationship personal / work etc

Some work very hard sometimes to "fix" something that is broken...... It can be because we love them or more we love what we had at one time...    In a relationship we picture a future with this person  we see in our lives  going in a certain direction and plan for that work you see a plan for career path..  you are not just letting them go of a person /job  ......but also maybe your vision of where your path of life was going ..  people are afraid to let things go because they may have to regroup and make a new Plan.... 

Some IMO also do not like to let go from a standpoint of being correct.

Example:  when a person chooses someone ...they want their choice  to be proven as the "correct" choice .. a failure of a relationship or career move may have others question their choice  so they stay to prove they were right.