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best friend not forever

dreamforward June 17th, 2017

I just really miss my best friend. We got in a fight months ago and I can't make it up to her. I understand that. I've apologized and we're over. Even now I'm still sad and lonely. I think about her like almost every day. So many things remind me of what we used to do together. I lost a big part of myself and it's so difficult.


broken heart@dreamforward

June 20th, 2017


It can be very hard to lose our best friend, they were a very big part of our lives. If you want to talk about it you can pm me anytime.

Emily619 July 2nd, 2017

I completely understand what you're going through. I just lost my best friend as well yesterday. I miss him to pieces and can't stop crying because of this, but what I want you to know is that the pain won't last forever. Although you may be heartbroken now, and it's difficult to do daily functions such as getting out of bed, I know the pain will come to an end. I haven't yet reached the end of my pain either, but I have hope. I want you to have that hope too heart