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I have friends but at the same time I don't

PurpleAndBlueSunStar May 31st, 2016

Don't get me wrong, I have some close friends but I don't talk to them so often, so some times I feel alone, I always want to talk but they don't want to because they don't like the topic I started but they don't do anything because I'll be okay if they wanna talk about something else, they just answer me "I don't know what to say" or "okay". I'm not good at making friends, I'm not shy, it's hard just that, I cannot make a connection with people, they won't read or listen to me or they really are bored by the things I wanna talk about, some of those people had told be " I'm not in the mood of thinking" oh but when you're about to tell them a gossip there they have interest... My best friend it's tired of me, she's nice but she doesn't feel like reading me, I used to tell her how I was feeling or any situation I was dealing with and she would say something, I'm not expecting consolation just trying to see if she can relate or something else, but now she doesn't care too much, I think it may be because she has a boyfriend now and she likes to spend more time talking to him and that's okay but I think friends are important too. My other friends they will answer to my questions and start a conversation only if they're in a group, but when alone with me they don't know what to say. I'm boring, I'm aware of that, but I need friends to talk, I have too many things aroune my head and I want to chat about them.

Shaykmarie May 31st, 2016

@PurpleAndBlueSunStar I get that feeling. I think that all the time, it got to the point to where I thought they hated me, and I almost killed myself. If I you need someone to talk to I'm here.

SmileyGiggles June 4th, 2016


im almost 38 and still feel that as i entered adulthood years ago.. Its unfair how friends are to each other.. We get partners, have families and just move on and leave our friends behind. I feel i was the one left behind. I feel like i tried and try to make time for friends yet, they do not value friendship as i do. Then at times i wonder if i am doing something wrong.. I used to invite friends over but no one has time so i gave up.

I am needy and wish i had someone to talk to and cry to and vent to just whenever i want. My friends have called me in the middle of the night, during work, any tine and i will do all i can to support them.. Listen to them... But i do not have ONE friend i feel like i could call any time i need and feel comfortable and not feel like i am bothering them. Pretty sad and i hate it.

Well my friends can enjoy it when my bf moves in and i dont care about the lil time they have for me. I sound snobby and i prob will be!

unassumingHouse646 June 23rd, 2016

@PurpleAndBlueSunStar I know how that feels. Sometimes you talk to online friends more than your in-person friends and then you judge yourself in your own head, but you can't have friends in real life all the time. Circumstances change, people change, or like you said, people just don't understand you. I can understand you because I keep unloading my thoughts onto my mother and she gets tired of me. My two best friends got married and moved away, so I can't talk to them like I used to before. The most interaction and soul sharing I have nowadays is with fellow writers on Facebook writing groups. You don't need to share your personal details in order to connect with other people on the internet. For your own safety, you can keep your personal details to yourself, but you can still talk and have the feeling of being heard. I know it's not the same as connecting with a person in real life, in a real conversation, but it beats scrolling through your news feed and just seeing people's status updates about their lives and feeling rotten.

See if you can find a listener on 7cups for 1-on-1 conversation who gets you and can listen to you. It really helps.

Reveur7193 June 25th, 2016

Hi @PurpleAndBlueSunStar

You know as a teenager, my studies and my friends are the most important things in my life. With every passing year, I have lost some really good friends. That doesn't means I hate them or they hate me. We have just grown up and realised what we looked for in a person as a 13 year old is no longer important as a 15 year old. Or maybe my interests have changed so diversely that by the time I am 16, I just can't relate to my best friend from 7th grade. I have realised that just like me, they too are growing up. You said that your friends find you boring but that is their definition of boring. You have different interests so you find their conversations boring too. You just need to try and talk to new people that you meet. It may seem difficult but in the first few minutes of your conversation, you have to show them who you are and find out who they are in return. Everyone is constantly judging each other and so are you. And thats okay. When you find new people who want to talk about the stuff you do, dont hesitate in leaving your old friends behind. You are not betraying them. They deserve to meet new peopel too. Its a part of growing up. Have fun making friends! Maybe you like reading what I think and maybe you don't? Its okay to pass a judgement and decide if you would want me to be your friend :)