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Handling long distance friendship

MarvelousMack11 May 6th, 2021

Hello there! So I've been struggling like crazy lately. I'm a senior in college whos barely made any friends throughout my whole time there. It's strange for me because I had so many friends in highschool and I've lost contact with so many of them. But throughout everything I've had my best friend by my side. We're practically the same person and tell each other everything. She's the only one that knows all my secrets. The only issue is that she studies abroad and had decided on staying. She was going to come back for the summer, but recently informed me that she won't be. It hurts. I feel so selfish that I want her to come back when I know shes so much happier there than she was here. But it sucks because I feel I have no friends. I guess the pandemic has made it a bit easier to be a loner, but it's also made me even worse. Any other friends I had I feel I've pushed away even more. I work insane hours as well as going to school full time so I'm usually too busy and beside that I've taken the pandemic more seriously than anyone I know meaning I've basically refused to go anywhere with anyone and now I've stopped getting invited to things all together. When I message friends they don't respond. And my best friend being in a different time zone makes it even harder to talk to her. Not to mention I recently cut ties with a family friend I've been close to since we were babies. Had a huge fight with her and she basically told me I was gonna be alone forever so that was fun. Maybe shes right? Besides the fact I don't have friends anymore, every time a guy is interested in me, even if I like him back, I get scared and push him away. I just need someone to listen and tell me it's all gonna be okay because usually that would be my best friend, but I can't tell her this. I'm sorry that was so long, I just needed to let it all out. Thanks to anyone who actually read all that lol

raspberryMoon2328 May 6th, 2021

Use her growth to inspire you shes still your friend Go visit her when you can and you will pick up right where you left off. Being alone can be scary. I went through this. I focused on the positive things in my life held on tight to the valuable friends and connections I did have and was open to being a new friend to someone new. Life is so hectic and crazy right now it ok to feel lonely. Dont lose faith it gets better. People come and go in our lives are here for seasons. And sometimes they come just in time. Breath and do the things that make you happy before you know it youll find the answer or an un expected person comes into your life

MarvelousMack11 OP May 6th, 2021

Thank you so much this honestly made me feel a little better! 💖 I guess I just need to try and focus more on the people I still have in my life over those I don't