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Shiloh23 May 8th, 2022

Emooo emooo @emotionalTalker2260. I don't know how forms workkk so I hope you get this. I didn't get to say goodbye when you became an adult so this is my goodbye!! I hope you have a great time on the adult side l. When I age up I hope we can eat glitter together again

emotionalTalker2260 May 8th, 2022


awww, i know, I didn’t get to say goodbye either :/ which I’m still upset about, i was very upset actually. *offers hugs to shi* emo is okay though. Dearly missing all teenie friends, but not I have Not replaced anyone, I’ve just had to make new friends, which I have, and they are all nice 😊 *eats glitter* πŸ˜› Also good job at using forums *pats pats* (: and psttt, we can still eat glitter in forums and not be caught by a certain someone 😈 hahaha. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Shiloh23 OP May 9th, 2022


*huggies* are your new friends old???

*eats glitter* I had to get someone to help me

Forms are evilll. That certain person lurks in forms thought

emotionalTalker2260 May 18th, 2022


D: there’s lurkers. Please don’t find us glitter stealers ;-;