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GoldieFish June 16th, 2022

Friendships is precious

A bond that was unbreakable.

People who brings joy and teaches you a lot of fun and memorable experiences.

I used to think friendship is beautiful and it should be perfect.

I was idealistic and that mindset at some point made me suffered.

You're growing older and getting mature.

Your friends are growing older and getting mature.

Teenage friendships are the most epic yet tragic. Perharps let's blame the youth or ourselves because we are so young to understand the reality.

Hurting each other and having fun together.

Some would leave for a reason and someone would turn their backs at you for no reason at all.

"That's okey." That's the first thing i said to myself when a years passed by and i was together with my new friends whom i was grateful for because they are wonderful people.

But sometimes i would still remember my former friends who tried to helped me but i failed them. I couldn't forever blame my mental illnessesor my immature attitude that led to those painful ending.

It all started with simple conversation and ends up with bitter miscommunications.

We all had forgave each other and that's the last time i've talked to them.

Sometimes i wished we did not have end up our connections with sorry and sorrow.

I saw one of them again and i want to say hi but they aren't looking into my eyes even though they are infront of me.

I don't know how to react so i didn't say anything. It was really bitter but i guess, i'll never gonna see that person again since they will be living abroad.

Sometimes i want to scold my younger self for hurting them, maybe if i listened to them carefully that day, maybe even if we're longer friends we can still smile at each other or i can atleast say hi without embarassing myself.

I will always remember them and remind myself to never hurt anyone again. So i began to cherish the people in my life right now. Listen and heal myself without damaging other people.

I am grateful i had met them and if there is parallel universe, i hope my other self would spare some minutes to listen to them carefully and make a better ending for all of us.

FrenchMarbles June 20th, 2022

Hey @GoldieFish

My name is FrenchMarbles, I’m one of the listeners here at 7Cups and I just wanted to say a quick hello and that I hope you’re doing good!

Yes, it’s really sad when you look back on relationships you had and think of how poorly you treat them. I do think it’s always an opportunity to learn so you don’t have to go through that heartbreak again.

Best wishes

F r e n c h M a r b l e s

Quality Mentor Listener Coach Forum Supporter Project Agent

Press the ‘Reply’ button to respond to me, so I can get a notification, otherwise I might not even see it!

GoldieFish OP June 24th, 2022

Thank youuuu

GoldieFish OP June 23rd, 2022

Update: I met both of them at the same day.

I never had a chance to talk to one of them even though they are infront of me but they are doing better and i'm super glad to know.

And i met the other one and they look lost because when they saw me at once. (We didn't see each other for like 3 years), They couldn't recognize me. We talked normally and i found out they got into a university and i'm really happy for them because they do deserve it.

It's probably the last time i'm gonna saw them again because we are taking different paths.

One of them will be somewhere far away and one of them will be on long distance college.

I'm gonna stay in the same city where we all met hoping for new beginning.

I'm happy to see them again and wishing them a success and happiness.

I miss our innocent friendships. When we would just have conversation in a table without anything but our genuine siliness. When we only have in our minds is to have fun and share random thoughts.

Three never work or it does but it doesn't matter, i am glad that trio was made. It made me happy even in short amount of time.

It took me a lot of time to forgive myself for what happened. i took all the blame alone when in fact we were meant to fell apart.

They are right people at the wrong time.

But i'm glad they were there at my worst even if they couldn't be with me at my best.

I guess i'll forever get tangled with nolgastic but it wasn't necessary a bad thing because no matter what, where i am today is what i prayed and wished.

That's why i'll never get tired of wishing best for them because i will be always thankful for all the good things they did to me.