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Bestfriend left me

azurePlum3448 January 31st, 2022

Hmm.. been going through a year long struggle with my best friend now, ever since she met a guy who became her boyfriend. Things between us changed alot.. and it’s affecting me more than it is for her (she doesn’t seem bothered at all). We used to do alot of things tgt, like baking, trekking and hanging out at each other’s hse over the weekends, but now.. we barely meeting anymore and when she’s available, she would say she has plans with her boyfriend. I tried sharing my feelings with her about this situation through texts, but it took a downturn when she initially just ghosted me on it the entire day and after telling her to stop avoiding me (because I genuinely want to fix things w her), she responded by saying that I was expecting too much from her, and that I’m not seeing the fact that she has someone to spend time with now, and that her priorities has shifted. It feels quite horrible knowing that our 8 years of friendship and everything we’ve been through was so easily overrided by someone she knew for almost a year.

And honestly speaking, her words were quite painful to take in. She once told me that she never saw me as part of her family because her definition of “family” was only through blood relations, while she was my sister to me. Throughout the entire conversation and the many other conversations that I tried to salvage this friendship thats slowly fading away, I always left feeling as though I wasn’t being understood or valued. She kept asking what I wanted from her, which made it feel like this entire friendship was like a transactional business…

I’m really not sure what to do now and it’s painful to watch everything slip away even after doing everything I could.. many have told me to let this friendship go, but this friendship really meant alot to me.

LavenderHere January 31st, 2022

@azurePlum3448 Gosh I am really really sorry to hear that, it sounds very overwhelming, sad and unfortunate to have someone so close to you- a best friend for 8 years and someone who felt like a sister slipping away like that. It is shocking to hear she ghosted and avoided her. Expectations can make things difficult for her but ghosting and avoiding won't help solve the situation, and I'm sorry to hear she said priorities shifted. Being replaced and overridden so easily and her slipping away doesn't sound easy to handle. It sounds like a very difficult time to go through, how are you feeling now?

It's alright to not know what to do, to take time. Gentle reminder please be kind to yourself in these trying times- losing a friend is surely not easy and we are all here for you. I'm proud of you for writing about your feelings and reaching out here, I hope it helps.
azurePlum3448 OP February 1st, 2022

@LavenderHere thank you so much for empathising and being here with me.. your words comforted me and it really meant alot. To be truthful, I’m still feeling quite horrible inside and I realised it’s been taking a toll on my mental health over the past year. Am still trying my best to release this friendship and move forward, though it is really difficult

My best friend and I aren’t really talking now, especially after trying to share my feelings two days ago, so the “wound” is still raw.. am thankful for 7 cups and everyone here for walking through this dark valley with me :-)

LavenderHere February 2nd, 2022

@azurePlum3448 I'm glad to hear my words comforted and I'm here for you. Awww oh no it sounds like the past year is a really hard time, and I hear you releasing friendships that used to be so close isn't easy at all. Give yourself some time and love and be gentle with yourself, it is a tough time to go through. *sends comfort cookies to help with the wound*

azurePlum3448 OP February 3rd, 2022

@LavenderHere hey.. thank you for your comforting words. been trying really hard to let go and move forward but it is really painful and hard to do it ),: do you have any tips to do it or it’s a matter of time that I’ll get through this? Tried to remove every photos we took and am thinking of deleting the chats on social media.. but they contain conversations we used to have, though I know I won’t be able to move forward if I keep rereading them.

LavenderHere February 4th, 2022

@azurePlum3448 Those sound like helpful things to do- distance yourself from memories to help you move on. Another thing I can think of is develop a support system and find people to talk to and spend time with, that might help you feel a little less lonely. And most importantly, try to be gentle with yourself- it was a rough time and your feelings are valid. It is okay to feel that way and it will get better soon!

azurePlum3448 OP February 5th, 2022

@LavenderHere thank you for being here ◡̈ Okay.. will try to find people to spend time with. The hardest part is night time when I’m alone, but you are right, time will make things better :-) thank you for validating my feelings !