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Am i overthinking? Sorry if im not making sense I think im ruminating.

Alwayshungry983 August 7th, 2020

So I have this really sweet friend and we don't really text often. Maybe like once a month but when he does she's really sweet with me and says she loves me. She lives in a different state than me but I just wonder how can I tell if she actually loves me though? I don't know sometimes I then to overthink and afraid that I will scare her off. I told her about my depression and how I was afraid of scaring her off and she said "You will never scare me off!" but from time to time I just try not to think about it. Maybe I'm being dramatic.

If you want to know how we met the story is down here (It was at a leadership camp)

((to hide her identity ima call her holly)) So at this camp holly was part of my group and at the end of each day at the camp, we would open up about our life experiences and during one of these times I opened up about my abusive childhood (I even started crying and felt embarrassed) and everyone was very supportive. Later I went back to this camp room and Holly looked and me and said "I adore you" and I couldn't believe I heard that from someone.... it was a sweetness I've never felt before. She even comforted me at the camp when I cried at one of the life experiences events. Once when we were dancing she said she loves me and even to this day we text back and forth and she seems like she really cares for me and I do too for her and I'm starting to really love her a lot (not in a romantic way). The thing is I'm afraid of getting attached or if its all too good to be true. she says "I love you" all the time to me and I say it back but sometimes I'm afraid I'm being too clingy when I say "I love you" to someone. I just get so scared of opening up and fear of abandonment

Alwayshungry983 OP August 7th, 2020

@Alwayshungry983 She says "I love you" to me a lot and I wonder why or if she does that with everyone. (which wouldn't be a problem to me if she does)

sallyanne1994568 August 7th, 2020

@Alwayshungry983. She probably just loves you as a friend i wouldn't over think it.

sallyanne1994568 August 7th, 2020

@Alwayshungry983. She probably just loves you as a friend i wouldn't over think it.

akay06 August 7th, 2020


Fear of abandonment and fear of being loved can be something that is extremely rough to deal with. However, in my humble opinion, the word love is thrown around way too often these days. Love is not something that happens lightly or quickly. That's lust or adoration as expressed earlier in this story. I'd say pursue it, but understand that love doesn't happen quickly. Understand that this is probably just admiration, which is great and it sounds like it is good for you, but don't throw around the "l" word lightly or take that word for face value when somone uses it too quick without knowing too much about it. It sounds like you guys have a lot more to learn about each other before using that word, but go for it!

Alwayshungry983 OP August 7th, 2020

@akay06 yeah that is all very true. Thank you for this! :)