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What's wrong?

SpringSunshine November 23rd, 2023


Lately, I've been feeling no interest in my relationship. I feel like something is missing...

I don't know what that is specifically, and It's making me sad that I've been like this for months already.

Whenever I listen to love songs, I don't feel in love. I feel nothing at all

My bf and I have been together for almost 4 years now, and we've been through a lot already

I thought things that come to your relationship make the relationship stronger, but why do I feel like as time passes, as we prolong our relationship, we're like... falling apart?

I don't know what to do since he is too busy surviving on his work and If I will open this to him, it will just add to his worries and burden. 

It's saddening really.

Can you help me? I appreciate your answers and suggestions. Thank you!

glisteningLight2506 November 23rd, 2023

@SpringSunshine I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. Relationship challenges can be difficult, and it's important to address these feelings. Here are a few suggestions:

1. **Self-Reflection:**
   Take some time for self-reflection. Try to identify specific aspects of your relationship or personal life that might be contributing to these feelings. Are there unresolved issues, unmet needs, or changes in your own life that could be affecting your emotions?

2. **Open Communication:**
   While you're concerned about adding to your boyfriend's worries, open communication is crucial in a relationship. Choose a calm and appropriate time to express your feelings to him. Be honest about what you're experiencing, emphasizing that you want to work through it together.

3. **Couples Counseling:**
   If you find it challenging to discuss these feelings with your boyfriend directly or if you feel you need external support, couples counseling can be a helpful option. A therapist can provide a neutral space for both of you to express your thoughts and feelings.

4. **Rediscover Connection:**
   Consider engaging in activities together that you used to enjoy or trying new things as a couple. It could be a way to rediscover the connection that may have faded over time. Quality time spent together can help strengthen the bond.

5. **Individual Support:**
   If you find that your feelings are deeply rooted in personal issues, it might be beneficial to seek individual support, such as therapy or counseling, to explore and address these concerns.

6. **Evaluate Relationship Dynamics:**
   Reflect on the dynamics of your relationship. Are there patterns or behaviors that contribute to the sense of distance? Identifying these aspects can help both of you work towards positive changes.

Remember that relationships go through ups and downs, and it's normal to experience changes over time. However, addressing these issues openly and constructively can lead to growth and understanding, whether that involves finding new ways to connect or making decisions about the future of the relationship.
SpringSunshine OP November 24th, 2023

@glisteningLight2506 thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I will try those steps and I hope there will be positive changes. God bless!