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Social media 'Friends'

intelligentTiger5312 February 22nd, 2022

Modern life is very much involved with online interaction but this can cause issues if not clarified. Let's take Facebook for example and the problems this can cause regarding relationships. All contacts on Fb are 'Friends' but if you think about it that is misleading as it's not realistic to have 500 friends in the true sense. We have different levels of involvement with others. This can be family, colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

When dating or in a relationship it is important to be aware of the capacity each of your FB 'friends' fit in and to be transparent about them with your partner as it can lead to problems. For example, boyfriend casually mentions a comment tmade by his 'friend' to his girlfriend but gives no name or connection to the friend apart from saying 'she said.....'. Now, his girlfriend is thinking, who is this friend and hang on, it's a woman I don't know of.... Her mind starts to over think especially when she asks who they are and get the 'she's just a friend' and says no more. This can cause unrest and unnecessary stress for the girlfriend and could easily be avoided with some thought.

There is a big difference between a 'friend' and an 'acquaintance' and for most of Facebook a big majority of people on our list are just acquaintances. Let's define acquaintance.. They are a person who you may or may not have met in person but you have introduced yourselves and have only brief knowledge about each other. For example in a class, or mutual interests or hobby. You may know more about them from their Facebook information but not on a personal level. They are not someone you socialise with or share personal things with. You would not normally feel comfortable to drop in on them for coffee.

A' 'friend' is so much more than that. You know them well and you have a strong liking for them and have a sense of trust and this is mutual. You socialise with them and would have no problem asking for their help or opinion. This is a much closer relationship and needs clarity within a relationship especially if they are the opposite sex.

So just be mindful of who actually is a friend, an acquitance, a colleague or just someone you 'follow'.

Real friends are gems, rare and to be looked after and are part of your relationship with your partner. Don't complicate things by calling acquaintances as 'friends', keep it clear.

Just one more thing.... Why do we share so much of our lives with 'acquaintances' on social media? Is it wise to?

What are your thoughts?

intellectualJar1071 February 22nd, 2022

I had to delete my social media. I’m a basket case schizophrenic , and during my low times , Facebook was damn evil to have around. It was super hard cutting off all that social media , as most of society is plugged in to it, but now after a few months , it’s better for me mentally. 7 cups is the only place I ever interact online with people now days , and I don’t ever get personal with details. I could tell you I’m a 49 something year old guy , and you wouldn’t know if it’s true or not…..I’m not trying to slide off the rails here ……

you are absolutely correct , there are friends and there are social media friends. There is an inherent risk sharing stuff online with people you don’t actually know on your friends list.

my schizophrenic mind is losing it here.
