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She broke up with me because she still loves her ex

hardywoo85 July 3rd, 2022

Thank you for taking time to read this, I am devastated all because I couldn't help myself and went too fast with this girl, I've known her for 2 years, our kids are in the same school together and I finally told her I liked her, she was on and off with her toxic ex and the day after she split up with him for good this time we went for a walk in the park, just as friends, a week later it was another walk and watch a movie round mine, few days later we gave the kids a play date round hers, then it became every 2 to 3 days we was doing stuff, 3 weeks later we made it official relationship, it was going good for nearly 4 weeks, besides her ex being an idiot messaging her alot even though she made it clear to him she's really happy with me, but it started to get to her, her daughter has been playing up alot and has told her teacher she wants her mom to be single plus the daughters dad also was playing up making things hard for my gf. She turned around to me and said she still has feelings for her ex but never wants to get back with him because he didn't treat her right, she just needs time to get over him, plus with how her daughter is she feels the best thing to do is be alone with her for a while but she admitted she really likes me alot, the timing just isn't right. I know I should just play it cool and give her the time but I am finding it really hard because I feel like I have fallen for her big time

Lifeonmars787 July 3rd, 2022

I'm really sorry to hear this, sounds like you really liked this person.

It's not your fault, as she said the timing isn't right. It's sad but it happens really often, no matter how good the connection is.

It's fully understandable that you have a hard time getting over her, if you need to talk with someone you can connect with a listener at any time.

hardywoo85 OP July 3rd, 2022

Thank you! It's just so hard knowing you was happy for a few weeks together but she can't feel like she can carry on, I hope in time she might want to give it another shot when she's over him, obviously if I'm still about