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Abeach02 January 13th, 2022

Hello guys and gals. Just a week ago a guy I had been hanging out with for a few months told me he liked me. I was sceptical at first but he was a kind guy and he is almost the only one keeping me company as I am lonely in my uni without a group of people to call friends. So I said that I liked him too and now we are in a relationship which I am beginning to regret,as he puts almost no effort into it. I always have to make the first step ,or else we wouldn't even hold hands. I have told him my problems but he doesn't seem to understand. I try to love him but I don't find him attractive anymore. I feel lonely but I don't have the heart to break up with him as it's only the beginning but i honestly don't want to feel so conflicted about my feelings towards him. Just yesterday we were on a date and all I could think about was leaving,which made me feel so terrible. I don't know what to do I thought I could keep being in the relationship until we figure it out but I doubt anything good will come out of that

halcyonCloud2036 January 13th, 2022


I am so sorry the relationship has turned out this way. I can tell you really wanted this to be different, but it takes 2 people to make a relationship work and it sounds like you have tried to help him understand how you are feeling.

Your feelings are valid and if he is observant, he must see that you are not feeling as happy as you were in the beginning. You sound like a really kind, thoughtful, and caring person. Maybe being honest and open with him about the future (or lack of future) you feel this relationship is headed will help things come to a decision point for both of you. The best we can do is communicate how we are feeling.

Sending you lots of vibes for clarity, strength and peace of mind ❤️