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Need someone to talk to

warmheartedWalker2409 February 18th, 2022

My fiance and I ha e been together off and on for 5 years we argue of course that happens in every relationship but he is still currently married but trying to get a divorce, having issues getting the papers sent to her and his previous kids don't want to talk to him. Even though he was there when my lil one was born which he is the father too he's here now and babygirl is so fond of him he just told me his nerves are bad and he wants to start taking Xanax to calm them but when he mentioned something to me the last time which was a about a week and a half ago that his nerves are wrecked he talked about leaving me...I'm scared I dont know what to do I want to save our relationship but I also don't want to hurt me or babygirl in the process..I'm really confused please help

halcyonCloud2036 February 23rd, 2022


I can hear your pain and worry in your words. It is good that he is communicating how he is feeling, but to be fair to you, he needs to help you understand what is causing his nerves to feel so wrecked. Maybe if you can help him address whatever is going on and show him you are a team together that will help.