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Am I overthinking?

loves071523 December 5th, 2023

So me and my boyfriend have been dating for several months and we have been really really happy together. My parents set a screen time on my phone for when I'm sleeping so I don't stay up all night talking to him. Me and him have tried to talk as much as possible since then, and things have been going really really well. I've been busy since I just made a sports team and I have practice every other day. We have tried to talk as much as possible. I always text him first or ask to call, but it kinda feels like he's getting annoyed with me or thinks I'm being too clingy. I've asked him this multiple times,  and every time he says that I'm not annoying or clingy. I text him all the time, but recently he hasn't been responding as fast and sometime's he will just forget to answer me for long periods of time. When we are on video call, he mostly just plays on his computer. He doesn't really talk to me and he doesn't really look at me either. I'm starting to feel like he doesn't really want to talk to me as much anymore. I don't know If I'm just overthinking or if this is real, but I don't know what to do. Thank you for listening to my ramble and please leave comments down below! thank you so much 


KatePersephone December 5th, 2023

@loves071523 thank you so much for sharing this with the community!

i hear you. it sounds like you and your partner have been texting each other quite a lot, which makes it understandable why he maybe wouldn’t reply to your messages as fast and when you are on calls he just plays and probably doesn’t look at you, either. it seems like your partner has gotten used to this as part of his life so he no longer sees the spontaneous feeling that probably existed before.

i think it would be best to have a chat with him about and maybe try not to constantly text him? remember, the two of you also have personal lives and need to live them, too :) that way, you will also miss each other a lot more so texting will actually feel fun and more ‘spontaneous’ in a way, rather than a routine kind of thingy. 

i hope it all makes sense! :)