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Advice when asking someone out

EmpatheticRabbit June 9th, 2021

There is a person I keep running into. Whenever outside during random times we'll always see each other and say hi or have a quick word. Over the year, we would lightly flirt via text and once suggested we grab a cup of coffee. Fast forward to a week ago, when I see the person and asked in person if they will like to go grab a cup of coffee with me at that moment. During this time, I lost my aunt and figured life was too short and took a leap of faith to see where things will go with this person. - the person looked surprised and awkward, then stated they needed to go home because they didn't have their wallet, until I suggested we make it another time. The person then stated to let them know when I'm free. Should I move on ? Apologize for the awkward moment created or keep it casual? (I don't know much about dating, any advice is welcomed)

sallymae3459 June 10th, 2021

@EmpatheticRabbit I would move on since maybe they aren't interested, amazon I think has books on dating so does google psychology today has really good articles on various topics so does wiki how good luck hope you find someone soon.

Daydreamer47 June 15th, 2021

@EmpatheticRabbit It sounds like you caught them off-guard and were asking for something a bit last minute. What happened when you asked over text? Did you suggest a specific day and place to go? Personally, since they did say to let them know when you're free, you could try to suggest a time; try to ask a week in advance or so to let the person check their schedule. But if they stop responding or cancel they may not be interested unfortunately.